Return to travel
After very difficult months, fairs are back, with in-person, online or mixed formats, and Global will be there again. We are looking forward to packing our bags, getting back in touch with our clients and competitors, and presenting the news we have prepared.
Our 2021 fair calendar has taken us to SIMB and we will be traveling to Natural Products Expo East (BIOFACH America), and RAFT.
SIMB, the Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology’s fair was held in Austin, Texas, from 8-10 August.
Natural Products Expo East (BIOFACH America), the natural, organic, and healthy products industry fair will be held in-person from 23-25 September at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.
One month later, from 25-28 October, we will be at Supply Side West 2021, which will be held at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. This fair is dedicated to suppliers of ingredients, manufacturing, packaging, and laboratory services.